Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Girls May Want to Have Fun - But Life Interferes.

I may almost be 48-years old - but in my heart of hearts I'm still a girl. I suspect the same is true of many females other than myself.

We all want to have fun - unfortunately real life interferes. There's school, and college, and marriage, and (for the lucky ones) babies to raise, and work. Then there's always divorce, sickness and death to anticipate in our future or look back to in our past.

But, we do manage to sneak in some fun now and again too. I'd like to share some of those moments here with some of my friends.

Jamie's Sig Tag

She's my alter-ego! ; )

One of my girlfriends sent this oldie/goodie to me awhile ago.

Top 13 Things PMS Stands For:

13. Psychotic Mood Shift
12. Pack My Stuff
11. Permanent Menstrual Syndrome
10. Perpetual Munching Spree
9. Puffy Mid-Section
8. People Make Me Sick
7. Provide Me with Sweets
6. Pardon My Sobbing
5. Pimples May Surface
4. Pass My Sweatpants
3. Pissy Mood Syndrome
2. Plainly Men Suck

And The Number One Is:

1. Pass My Shotgun

Have you seen the movie "Chicago?" It's about a handful of women who are in jail for various murders. Some have been convicted, others are still on trial. In one scene the assorted prisoners explain why they are "wrongfully" behind bars. This line just slays me:

(he was pissing her off for some reason)
So, I took down the shotgun and fired a warning shot -

into his head.

I don't know why I like that so much. Male-bashing humor is not funny to me. White heterosexual males are an easy target for jokes in this period of time. They are about the only group you CAN tell put-down jokes about. I happen to like males. Which is good since they are half the population of this planet and most of my income depends on the good-will of men who employ me. I grew up with 3 brothers (and later another sister and brother - but they are 14/15 years younger than me) and numerous male cousins. My parents were scout masters - so I was also a boy scout (at a time before Woman's Lib - and females forcing their way into places where they weren't wanted or welcome). But, being the only girl in the family (if you didn't count Mom) - it was either participate in boy scout functions or stay home alone. The boys were more interesting. ; )